Arena(known to self and others) predictable, cold | Blind Spot(known only to others) timid, violent, aloof, glum, simple, withdrawn, unimaginative, cruel, distant, passive, dull |
Façade(known only to self) childish, chaotic, weak, self-satisfied | Unknown(known to nobody) incompetent, intolerant, inflexible, cowardly, stupid, insecure, irresponsible, vulgar, lethargic, hostile, selfish, unhappy, unhelpful, cynical, needy, inane, brash, ignorant, irrational, boastful, blasé, imperceptive, impatient, embarrassed, loud, vacuous, panicky, unethical, insensitive, smug, rash, dispassionate, overdramatic, callous, inattentive, unreliable, foolish, humourless |
60% of people think that Neow is aloof
80% of people think that Neow is simple
80% of people think that Neow is withdrawn
60% of people think that Neow is distant
60% of people think that Neow is passive
incompetent (0%) intolerant (0%) inflexible (0%) timid (40%) cowardly (0%) violent (20%) aloof (60%) glum (20%) stupid (0%) simple (80%) insecure (0%) irresponsible (0%) vulgar (0%) lethargic (0%) withdrawn (80%) hostile (0%) selfish (0%) unhappy (0%) unhelpful (0%) cynical (0%) needy (0%) unimaginative (20%) inane (0%) brash (0%) cruel (20%) ignorant (0%) irrational (0%) distant (60%) childish (0%) boastful (0%) blasé (0%) imperceptive (0%) chaotic (0%) impatient (0%) weak (0%) embarrassed (0%) loud (0%) vacuous (0%) panicky (0%) unethical (0%) insensitive (0%) self-satisfied (0%) passive (60%) smug (0%) rash (0%) dispassionate (0%) overdramatic (0%) dull (20%) predictable (40%) callous (0%) inattentive (0%) unreliable (0%) cold (20%) foolish (0%) humourless (0%)
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